About Us

Pacific Implant Academy (PIA) was founded in 2009 in Southern California as a study club with a mission to educate fellow dentists in the field of implant dentistry. Its monthly study club meets on 3rd Tuesday of each month. Soon after PIA was founded, the organizers immediately recognized overwhelming demands and needs for basic and advanced implant surgery and prosthetic training courses in which participating doctors perform procedures on live patients.
After years of preparation, first advanced live implant surgery training course was successfully held in Spring of 2014 in Tijuana, Mexico, and since then 4 advanced implant surgery training courses are held each year. One unique thing that sets this course apart from vast majority of other implant courses is that in this course each participant is assigned a dedicated full time dental assistant, and each doctor completes 3 to 4 cases per day. The organizers limit the maximum number of participants in order to keep the participant to instructor ratio low. When a student doctor is performing an advanced implant surgery such as lateral window sinus lift, ridge splitting, internal sinus lift or a large GBR procedures, the participant receives an intimate one-on-one instruction from the PIA instructor.